
2021/2022 Newsletter No. 3

7 July 2022

Table of Contents

1. Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)
Annual Conference
Happy Hour Forum
Staff Professional Development Service 2022-23
5. Here and Now – Food for Thought on Education
6. Full Survey Report on “Student Withdrawal from School and Teacher Turnover
7. Education Platform: Treading along the Education Path
8. Farewell to Outgoing Principals

Dear Colleagues,

We are approaching the end of this academic year, I hope you are all fine at school! I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some HKAHSS news.

1. Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)
Our flagship programme, Self-Regulated Learning (SRL), is approaching its 10th Anniversary. To celebrate this important time, we are holding a series of activities themed “Looking Back and Ahead” (回顧與展望) in 2022-2023. It will be a good opportunity for us to share learning experiences and to explore the future development of SRL. The SRL Festival in the new school year will include ‘Open-class sessions’ from November 2022 to January 2023 and a Joint-school Teachers’ Professional Development Day on 10 February 2023. Detailed information has been sent out earlier. Please stay tuned for more updated news of it.
2. Annual Conference
Due to the pandemic situation, this year our Annual Conference held on 31 May 2022 adopted a hybrid mode: while some participants attended the Conference physically, others attended online. Mr. Eric Chan Sze- yuen (陳思源先生), the Chief Public Mission Officer of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (香港數碼港管理有限公司首席公眾使命官), delivered a speech titled “Click &Tap: Inno Tech and Future Education”. Besides, two I.T. and Education Practitioners, Mr. But Ho-ming (畢浩明先生) and Mr. Tony Kwok (郭庭軒先生), shared with members on “Wow & Wonder: Practitioners’ Insight”. Whichever mode the participants chose to attend, all enjoyed the insightful and inspiring speeches of our guests.
3. Happy Hour Forum
Our Happy Hour Forum themed “From Optimizing the Four Core Subjects in Senior Secondary to Holistic Review of School Curriculum” (學校課程的全面檢視與再思:新高中課程優化)was held on 16 June 2022 afternoon. Participants had in-depth and fruitful sharing on the decision-making process and consultation, the design of curriculum structure, etc about the topic. In the activity, we learned from one and other, shared our thoughts and experience. A strong supporting network was built. Thank you for having joined us for the Happy Hour Forum. We would also like to thank the principal and staff of Tack Ching Girls’ Secondary School for providing the nice venue and support so that we could have the Happy Hour Forum held successfully. We look forward to seeing in our next event.
4. Staff Professional Development Service 2022-23
Understanding that Staff Professional Development plays an important role in bringing about quality education, we are introducing to you our new “Staff Professional Development Service” in which we will help conduct staff professional development programmes, seminars or workshops on various topics. You are most welcome to use our new service. To learn more about it, please click on the link below:

We hope you would feel our support and find our new service useful.

5. Here and Now – Food for Thought on Education
Our newest article “The Revelations of the ‘Departure Tide’ of Teachers and Students on Hong Kong’s Education” (學生、教師「離場潮」對香港教育的啟示) together with the full Survey Report on “Student Withdrawal from School and Teacher Turnover” has been released at the “Here and Now – Food for Thought on Education” column on our website. You are most welcome to read the article by clicking on the link below:

6. Full Survey Report on “Student Withdrawal from School and Teacher Turnover
Aiming to promote professionalism and quality of education in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools (HKAHSS) has great concerns over the above mentioned departure tide of teachers and students. In November 2020, HKAHSS conducted its first survey on ‘Student Withdrawal from School and Teacher Turnover’. In September 2021, a second survey on the same issue was conducted in collaboration with Hong Kong Centre for International Student Assessment (HKCISA), the Chinese University of Hong Kong to collect data in 3 consecutive school years in 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 which include the number of student withdrawal and teacher turnover, reasons behind and the impacts on schools. The full survey report has been released on our website. You may also click on the link below to read it:

7. Education Platform: Treading along the Education Path
We launched our Education Platform titled “Treading along the Education Path” at the beginning of the new year. The website of the Platform is This Education Platform is now open to all members. Upon registration, you can not only view the posts, but also submit articles as well as comments.  It is a platform where we can have professional sharing and exchange and you should not miss it. Please simply click HERE  to complete the simple procedures for free registration if you have not registered yet.
8. Farewell to Outgoing Principals
The Executive Committee would take this opportunity to send our greatest appreciation to those who have served in schools for so many years and will be retiring or taking early retirement in September.  While reluctantly bidding you farewell, we earnestly appeal to your continued support by joining us as life / affiliated members.

Please fill out the Life/Affiliated Member membership form, which can also be found on the Association website, and return it together with a cheque to Mr. Cheng Kai-lam, our Hon. Treasurer.  We sincerely appeal to your support.

Your support to the HKAHSS is very important to us.  Let’s work hand in hand to strive for the high quality of education in Hong Kong and create another fruitful year for our children.



Pang Wai Lan Helena

Honorary Secretary