
The Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools 55th Anniversary

香港中學校長會  五十五周年會慶

Curriculum for the Future
教育論壇2019 「課程的未來 未來的課程」


“Education Colloquium 2019” Part 1 was successfully held on 14 September at Cordis Hotel. All participants were inspired by the talk of Mr. Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, OECD.

Gist of Mr. Schleicher’s talk.

“Education for the future: key issues on curriculum design” by Andreas Schleicher.

Education has become much more demanding in our age.  We are creating a compass for students to navigate in the future.  Our curriculum needs to help students understand the foundation of the subjects and answer big difficult questions: agency, purpose, meaning and identity. 

Hong Kong is one of the most advanced systems in the world but for the last three years, trends of Hong Kong in science performance (PISA) shows the gap between what the society expects and what schools can provide are getting much bigger. Teaching fewer things in greater depth is the challenge.

Education has won the race with technology throughout history but there is no automaticity it will do so in the future. Challenges we face in the future include: High risk of social exclusion as few can manage complex digital information; Large scale occupational transitions; the disempowering power of digitalization as we become slaves of algorithms that make us lose the sense of reality.

Changing education can be like moving graveyards as the status quo has many protectors.  The key is to enable all students to learn at high levels and enabling all to master complex ways of thinking. The new world needs diverse, globally competent people who can understand culture in different ways.  Schools are the first place for us to understand diversity.  We need to educate our students to become social and emotional beings who can collaborate.

The winning countries are those who can embed student agency in their curriculum. The OECD uses a Learning Compass as a metaphor that maps out an evolving learning framework that sets out an aspirational vision for the future of education. It emphasizes the need for students to learn to navigate by themselves (student agency) through unfamiliar contexts. The components of the compass include core foundations, knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, transformative competencies and a cycle of anticipation, action and reflection.

Transformative competencies enable students to develop and reflect on their own perspective in order to shape and contribute to a changing world. Creating new value, taking responsibility, and reconciling conflicts, tensions and dilemmas are essential for thriving in and helping shape the future.  These are particularly relevant to the existing Hong Kong situation.      


“Education Colloquium 2019” Part 2

Date: 30 October 2019 (Wednesday)

Time: 0900-1710

Venue: Room S221, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre

0900-0905 Welcoming Speech

Mr Teddy TANG Chun-keung

Chairperson, Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools

0905-0925 Opening Remarks

Today’s Students, Tomorrow’s Leaders

The Honourable Chief Justice Geoffrey MA Tao-li, GBM

0925-0955 Keynote Speech

Education for the Future Generations

Professor ZHANG Xiang, JP

President and Vice-Chancellor, The University of Hong Kong

0955-1025 Education 2030: Preparation for the Future

Professor HAU Kit Tai, BBS, MH, JP

Choh-Ming Li Professor of Educational Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1025-1100 Break
1100-1145 Dialogue with Students – ‘Learning’ in the Eyes of Students

Ms Anna WU Hung-yuk, GBS, JP

Chairperson, Competition Commission

& 5 Senior Secondary Students

1145-1230 Business Leaders’ Dialogue on ‘Future Education and Entrepreneurship’

Mr Stephen NG Tin-hoi

Chairman and the Managing Director, The Wharf Group

Mr Ronald LIANG Pang-ching

Founder and Managing Director, LWK & Partners (HK) Limited

Mr Emil YU Chen-on, JP

Director & General Manager, Keystone Electric Wire & Cable Company Limited

Mr Peter YUEN Chi-kwong

Managing Director, Savills HK Limited

1230-1400 Lunch
1400-1445 STEM vs science and mathematics education

Professor TSUI Lap Chee, GBM, GBS, JP

President, The Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong

1445-1505 Break
1505-1615 Survey Findings – ‘Gaps’ in the Hong Kong Curriculum

Professor TSANG Wing Kwong

Adjunct Professor, Department of Educational Administration and Policy, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor LAM Chi Chung

Adjunct Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instructions, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Esther HO Sui Chu

Director, Hong Kong Centre for International Student Assessment, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1615-1645 Open Forum
1645-1700 Closing Remarks

Mr Kevin YEUNG Yun-hung, JP

Secretary for Education

1700-1710 Way Forward

Mr Michael WONG Wai-yu

Honorary Executive Secretary, Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools


Notable Figures share their views on education (please click for their video)
社會知名人士看教育 (請點擊觀看其影片)