
Annual Conference 2022

The Annual Conference 2022 of the HKAHSS was held in a hybrid mode at Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School on 31st May, 2022. The 135 school principals who were enrolled were either present at the venue or joined us online. Chairman Lin Chun Pong first gave a brief report on the work of the HKAHSS and its various task groups which is focused on communicating with relevant parties about the concerns and opinions of the sector.

The guest speaker of the talk, “Click & Tap : Inno Tech & Future Education”, Mr. Eric Chan Sze-yuen, the Chief Public Mission Officer of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, shared with school principals the global scene and trends in innovation and technology and how to nurture our students to be talents in this field in the future.

In the session “Wow and Wonder : Practitioners’ Insight”, Mr. But Ho Ming emphasized that social impact is a key element of making innovative and information-based technology successful and there should be tailor-made platforms or tools for schools to help students acquire updated technological knowledge and skills. Mr. Tony Kwok shared how he was inspired and motivated to kick-start his own journey in STEM education in secondary schooling and now walks hand in hand with schools in their journey of STEM education.

Finally, Ms. Lee Suet Ying, Co-convenor of HKAHSS Adaptive Learning Platform Task Force, introduced the Adaptive Learning Platform for the senior-form Mathematics curriculum which makes use of AI to cater for learner diversity by providing different levels of learning materials and assessments.  The conference concluded in the hope that all attendants had received new information and insights for our planning of future education.