
Annual Policy Address of the Chief Executive 2018

The Association is very much concerned about the annual Policy Address of the Chief Executive. Besides writing directly to the Chief Executive (the Chairman’s letter dated 30 August 2018 in Chinese), Mr. Wong Wai Yu Michael, the Honorary Executive Secretary of AHSS, has prepared an article on the Chief Executive’s Policy Address 2018 before its release. The article which represents the views of the Executive Committee of AHSS was released on 28 September 2018 in Mingpao (a local Chinese newspaper). Please click the link to the two articles that summarize the main points in English

  1. Should Hong Kong continue to deprive the majority of young people from a university education?
  2. Is Hong Kong education system becoming more equitable or the reverse?

致行政長官信函 – 對2018施政報告的期望



