
2018-2019 Newsletter 5

Dear Colleagues,

I am sending you another Newsletter. Hope you will enjoy reading it.

 Annual General Meeting

Understanding you might be having very busy schedule, I write to remind you that the HKAHSS is having its Annual Conference on 3rd December 2019 morning at The Salisbury YMCA Hotel. You are warmly invited to join and your presence and support mean a lot to us. Please click HERE for the details. Register now if you have not done so! We all look forward to meeting you at our AGM.

Helpline for Members

A new project: “Helpline for members” would be initiated to better serve our members. The Helpline is expected to provide more personal touch on top of our regular sunshine calls to newly-appointed principals. While the helpline might touch on technical or practical difficulties encountered by members with regard to their school work, it is much hoped that the Helpline will cater for deeper levels of needs which are psychological and emotional. Helpers will play a role similar to that of companion (同行者). In very challenging times like the last few months, it would be good to develop a supporting network to further support our members. In the meantime, a pool of professionals might be built up to cater for some practical issues if further development for support to members will be considered.

The formal kick-off of the Helpline will be held on the AGM on 3rd December 2019, during which more details will be announced. Members can also check the information from our Association website after the AGM.

SRL Joint-school Professional Development Day

A Joint-school Professional Development Day will be held on 14th February 2020 at Ho Yu College and Primary School (Sponsored By Sik Sik Yuen). It is our great pleasure to have invited Professor Tse Chi-Shing (謝志成教授) of the Educational Psychology Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong as our keynote speaker on “Cognitive Basis of Learning” (學習的認知基礎). On the development day, teachers from SRL network schools will share their learning experiences from the SRL 3.0 Lesson Study Project. We cordially invite you and your teachers to join this Annual Professional Development Day. Please click HERE for the relevant information. To enroll, kindly fill out the google form ( by 11th  December 2019. We look forward to seeing you there.

Education Colloquium 2019

Parts 1 and 2 of the “Education Colloquium 2019: Curriculum for the Future” were successfully held on 14th September at Cordis Hotel and 30th October at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre respectively. The events attracted more than 500 participants.

We were very honoured to have invited many renowned speakers like Mr. Andreas Schleicher, OECD Director for Education and Skills, the Honourable Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma Tao-li, many scholars and presidents of local universities to give talks during the events. We also had business leaders and students join us for the discussions. Please revisit the great events on our Association website!

Pang Wai Lan Helena

Honorary Secretary