
Statement issued by HKAHSS on “Safeguard the Well-Being of Our Students” 2019-06-11

Statement issued by HKAHSS on “Safeguard the Well-Being of Our Students”


  1. The Executive Committee of The Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools (HKAHSS) is gravely concerned about the dispute arising from the “Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019” and its impact on the physical and mental development of students.


  1. School is a place for students to learn and develop. Students should be given the opportunity to exercise their critical thinking and judgement, respect diversity, learn to communicate and live in harmony.  We do not support class boycott by teachers or students as a means to express their views.


  1. We sincerely urge the government to defer the bill and listen to the public opinion extensively to avoid further social confrontation.


  1. As responsible educators, we call for our fellow workers to be steadfast in duty and safeguard the well-being of our students.

“守護學生褔祉” 的聲明

  1. 香港中學校長會執委會極度關注當下香港因《2019 年逃犯及刑事事宜相互法律協助法例 ( 修訂 ) 條例草案》而出現的社會爭拗,以及其對學生身心發展的影響。


  1. 學校是促進學生學習和成長的地方,讓學生有機會慎思明辨、尊重多元和溝通共融,我們不贊成師生以罷課表達訴求。


  1. 我們深盼政府暫緩立法,廣泛聆聽民意,避免社會對立惡化。


  1. 作為負責任的教育工作者,我們呼籲教育同工謹守崗位,守護學生褔祉。




香港中學校長會義務總幹事  黃謂儒