
On the Issue of “ Independence of Hong Kong” A Statement by the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools


13 October 2016

On the Issue of “ Independence of Hong Kong” A Statement by the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools 中文原文

  1. We do not agree to the advocacy of the independence of Hong Kong. We disapprove of any intention or action that would impose political interference in schools, or any action that attempts to instigate pro-independence stance in schools or brain wash our students.
  2. We believe that the school is a place for students to learn and grow. In that regard, it is the duty of the school, based on educational principles, to provide appropriate means and platforms for students to express their concerns and discuss, from multiple perspectives, the various issues related to the future of Hong Kong.
  3. Schools will scrupulously abide by the spirit of school-based management, uphold professional autonomy as well as their consistently effective means and mechanisms to handle activities that take place in schools. The professional autonomy and school-based mechanisms should be respected by all, both within and beyond the school walls.
  4. School principals and teachers will continue their quest for professionalism in response to trends of social development and globalization. We will dedicate our utmost efforts in the pursuit of noble education visions, universal values as well as the nurture of citizenship with a global outlook amongst our students.
  5. Being the future masters of Hong Kong, students should be dearly treasured by schools, society and the government. They need much care, guidance and encouragement so that they are able to shoulder the responsibilities to explore and contribute to build up a better future.



香港中學校長會執委會就「港獨」議題的公開聲明 English-version
  1. 我們不贊同香港獨立主張,反對任何意圖入侵校園的政治干擾,對學生進行教唆或洗腦教育。
  2. 我們認為學校是學生學習和成長的地方,學校應根據教育原則及透過教育方式,給予學生空間關心及以多角度討論香港前途的不同議題。
  3. 學校將一如以往,謹慎及負責地執行專業自主的校本管理,學校所有活動均會按照行之有效的學校機制及程序辦理,校內與校外人士都應尊重。
  4. 校長及教師將繼續致力恪守教育專業,與時並進,因應社會發展與全球變化,推行具普世價值及國際視野的公民教育,追求教育的崇高理想。
  5. 學生是香港未來的希望,學校、社會及政府必須珍惜、愛護他們、給予正面鼓勵及引導,讓他們承擔、探索、建設更美好的未來,積極貢獻力量。