
2022/2023 Newsletter No. 3

7th July 2023

Table of Contents

  1. Launching of Adaptive Learning Platform (ALP): Mathematics
  2. Survey on the Design & Implementation of STEAM Education
  3. Lessons Learnt from COVID-19
  4. Annual General Meeting 2023 (7th December)
  5. Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Festival 2023-24
  6. Happy Hour Forum 2023 (11th May)
  7. Annual Conference 2023 (2nd June)
  8. Farewell to Outgoing Principals

Dear Colleagues,

Approaching the end of an academic year, I am sending you our third Newsletter and hope you can take a break, sip a cup of coffee, and enjoy reading the news of HKAHSS.

1. Launching of Adaptive Learning Platform (ALP): Mathematics
We are excited to announce the launch of our new Adaptive Learning Platform (ALP), a pioneer online learning space that uses AI to help our senior form students to learn Mathematics.

With the donation by a very generous and supportive foundation, our task force has been working hard for three years to build a modern, effective multi-functional learning tool with AI elements.  The ALP serves as a self-studying platform that caters for individual student’s needs and learning pace.  It is also an assessment platform for teachers and students that provides diagnostic feedback to support teaching and self-learning.

The Platform’s pilot scheme will be launched in September 2023 and we would welcome about 30 schools to join us.  Please click HERE or scan the QR code

for more details and the application form.  The deadline for application is 21st July 2023 (Friday).  We look forward to using the AI driven platform with you and receiving your feedback.

2. Survey on the Design & Implementation of STEAM Education
In the Chief Executive’s 2022 Policy Address, STEAM Education is one of the highlights suggesting “for all”, “for fun” and “for diversity” in primary and secondary schools.  Also, AI education will be incorporated into ICT subject for junior secondary students in the coming school year.

The HKAHSS has designed an online questionnaire and would like to solicit your help in order to understand the present situation, difficulties encountered and resources needed to implement STEAM Education.

The survey consists of two SEPARATE questionnaires, one for the Principal and one for the STEAM Coordinator / STEAM Teacher.  You and your STEAM Coordinator / STEAM Teacher are invited to complete the survey, which will take 5-10 minutes each.

Please click the Survey link HERE for both Principal and STEAM Coordinator / STEAM Teacher and kindly submit both completed questionnaires on or before 14th July 2023 (Friday).

3. Lessons Learnt from COVID-19
We are planning to produce an e-journal, together with a number of printed copies, as a record to give an account of the educational journey that Hong Kong Schools have undergone during the three-year pandemic.  The purpose of this publication includes:

  1. Serve as a record of the pandemic era;
  2. Let students and the public know what principals and teachers have done during the pandemic;
  3. Tell the school stories in Hong Kong under pandemic to disseminate the message of principals’ professionalism;
  4. Collect good examples of school practices under the pandemic for future reference;
  5. Reflect on and look forward to the development gains from the pandemic.

You and your teachers are cordially invited to send us submissions of 1 to 2 articles in Chinese with not more than 1000 words each, to be included in this publication.  Please browse the 10 suggested topics below and pick 1-2 that interest you the most to write about.

  1. School Leadership: Struggles and Solutions 學校領導:掙扎與出路
  2. Teacher Professional Development 教師專業發展
  3. Blended Learning 混合學習
  4. Flexible Timetable Arrangements 彈性時間表
  5. Public Examination & School Internal Assessment 公開考試與校內評估
  6. Students’ Social-emotional Development 學生社交情緒發展
  7. Students’ Mental & Physical Health學生精神與身體健康
  8. Student Activities under Pandemic 疫情下的學生活動
  9. Family and Parental Support 家庭與家長支援
  10. Interaction among HKAHSS, Government and Social Stakeholders 校長會與政府及社會持分者互動

We cannot achieve this meaningful task without your contribution.  Your three-step actions are deeply treasured and appreciated.

Step 1: Indicate your intention of being a part of this project by filling in the Google form by 14th July 2023 (Friday).


Step 2: Enjoy your writing.

Step 3: Send your article to under the subject of “AH Article_Principal’s Name” by 15th August 2023 (Tuesday).

4. Annual General Meeting 2023 (7th December)
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023 will be held as follows:

Date: 7th December 2023 (Thursday)

Time: 0900-1245

Venue: CityView Hotel, Yau Ma Tei

Theme: “From Surviving to Thriving: Seizing Education Opportunities in the Post-Pandemic Era” (從疫境求生到疫後求勝:把握後疫情的教育機遇)

We are honoured to have Dr. Choi Yuk Lin, JP and Professor Lee Chi Kin John, JP to be our keynote speakers.

Please reserve the date to explore education together with us.

5. Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Festival 2023-24
The HKAHSS will organize a SRL Festival in the new academic year of 2023-24.  Throughout the year, the programmes include ‘Open-class sessions’ from November 2023 to April 2024 and a Joint-school Teachers’ Professional Development Day on 2nd February 2024 (Friday).

You and your teachers are cordially invited to join this Festival.  We are most grateful if your teachers are willing to open their classes for peer observation and conduct the post-observation sharing.  Their voluntary participation would certainly provide good opportunities for professional growth of everyone.

In response to the request of many principals, we are planning to accommodate more schools to take part in the Joint-school Teachers’ Professional Development Day on a full-school basis and the details are as follows:

Date: 2nd February 2024 (Friday)

Time      : 0900-1300

Venue: Po Kok Secondary School

Theme: “New Partners of Self-Regulated Learning: Open Data and AI Technology” (自主學習新夥伴:開放數據及人工智能技術)

Keynote Speaker: Professor Erwin Huang (黃岳永教授), Adjunct Professor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Detailed information has been sent out earlier. Please stay tuned for more updated news of it.

6. Happy Hour Forum 2023 (11th May)
The Happy Hour Forum titled “How to Build a Professional Team of Teachers?” was held successfully on 11th May 2023 (Thursday) at Tack Ching Girls’ Secondary School.  Many effective strategies for grooming a professional team of teachers were shared.  Thank you so much for your active participation.
7. Annual Conference 2023 (2nd June)
This year, our Annual Conference was held on 2nd June 2023 (Friday) at Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School.

The theme was set on “The Future of Education: How Open Data, Cloud and AI are Transforming Learning” (教育新藍圖:開放數據、雲端與人工智能如何轉化學習).  Professor Erwin Huang (黃岳永教授), who is a renowned entrepreneur and leader in the e-learning field, was our keynote speaker.  His experience in using open data, Cloud and AI to transform learning was very inspiring.

The Forum under the theme of “New Era of Open Source Technology: Strategies for Principal Leadership” (開源科技新時代:校長領導策略) provided a platform to further enrich our experience sharing.

8. Farewell to Outgoing Principals
The Executive Committee would take this opportunity to send our greatest appreciation to those who have served in schools for so many years and will be retiring or taking early retirement in September.  While reluctantly bidding you farewell, we earnestly appeal to your continued support by joining us as life / affiliated members.

Please fill out the Life/Affiliated Member membership form, which can also be found on the Association website, and return it together with a cheque to Mr. Cheng Kai-lam, our Hon. Treasurer.  We sincerely appeal to your support.

Ms Helena Pang, the Principal of Ho Lap College, who is one of our Executive Committee members and the Former Honorary Secretary of HKAHSS will leave her role as a principal with effect from the next academic year.  We thank Ms Pang for her devoted service for HKAHSS and education.

Wish you a happy summer vacation.

Lin Mau Tong Kitty
Honorary Secretary