
Should Hong Kong continue to deprive the majority of young people from a university education? |香港中學校長會對2018教育施政的一些建議


Should Hong Kong continue to deprive the majority of young people from a university education? 中文原文

(Mr. Michael Wong Wai Yu, Honorary Executive Secretary, The Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools)

For more than decades, the admission rates of local universities have been kept at an extraordinarily low level. To the lucky ones, successful admission into universities is a symbol of status. However, to the majority of young people, their hope for a university education is largely deprived.

Around 15,000 students are admitted annually into local universities. This accounts for less than 30% of secondary school students who took the public examination DSE. Comparing our admission rate with neighboring cities, we will be surprised to find that Hong Kong is far lagging behind. Data in 2017 shows the rate in Shanghai is 72%, Beijing 66.8%, Tianjin and Chongqing higher than 50% and Singapore getting to 50%. The question is obvious: how long will our outdated elitist approach to university education continue?

As an international city, Hong Kong needs talents of different kinds and universities are the best place for incubating new ideas and innovation. In fact, international assessments like PISA and TIMSS have times and again clearly shown that Hong Kong students are doing extremely well in Mathematics, Science and Reading. So why shouldn’t we offer more university places for them?

Another issue regarding local university admission is the “3322” minimum entrance requirements, a cut off line which separates the winners from the losers. Currently, the minimum requirement for university admission is level 3 in both Chinese and English Language and Level 2 in Mathematics and Liberal Studies. As three of these four DSE core subjects are heavily language loaded, some students are excluded from university education even though they excel in non-core elective subjects or other non-language loaded subjects. This lack of flexibility and neglect of special talents should be properly addressed.

The combined effect of limited admission quota and stringent entrance requirements has led to other issues such as imbalance in sex ratio of eligible candidates (43.5% female and 28.6% male in 2017) and unequal opportunities (students who can afford IB can compete favourably through  the non-JUPAS admission channel). In the long run, the local public schools and DSE system will be greatly undermined if nothing is done to remedy the worsening situation.

Should we not give our young people a better future to aspire to?


香港中學校長會對2018教育施政的一些建議 English version


2018年初,香港中學校長會曾舉辦為期一天半的「教育論壇:願景2047」,獲特首林鄭月娥女士、政務司張建宗先生及教育局的積極支持, 邀得國際及本地關心教育的朋友出席, 三場論壇總參加人次愈千。 我們結集論壇所匯聚的建議,及過去多年我們察覺到教育發展需要,作出建議,以期優化教育質素 。




課程佈置主導了學生的學習生活,大學收生條件則影響著學校教與學及評估設計 。我們關注香港學生接受專上教育機會,曾於本年7月8日透過記者招待會,表達我們對大學收生的意見。香港作為一個國際化城市,以知識型經濟發展為本,但為學生提供資助大學學位的數目多年來仍維持在15,000左右(少於考生人數的30%),遠低於香港毗鄰的國家或中國城市,2017年數據顯示,國內高考生入讀大學本科的比率,上海達72%、北京為66.8%、天津重慶均高於50%,至於新加坡亦已作出規劃,於2020年提升資助大學學位至考生的50%。據不同國際評估如PISA、TIMSS,香港學生的表現絕不差於上列國家或城市,為何不能擁有同樣入讀大學的機會?增加大學學位,是為社會培育人材,是提升社會人文質素。若說增加學位將「降低」大學生水平,是否精英主義下將入讀大學視為社會最優秀一群的專利?若此,我們豈非要減少大學學額以「提高」大學畢業生水平。 星加坡Education Minister Ong Ye Kung在近期的一個訪問中說:Education in Singapore is to ‘Lift the bottom, not cap the top’,我們的教育制度又是否這樣?




今天科技日進千里,教育局資訊科技教育政策已進入第四期,策略重點落在「透過發揮資訊科技的潛能,提升學與教的互動經驗,以釋放學生的學習能量 ……」。惟縱觀近年教育局發展策略,除了協助學校提升裝備、增加撥款、購置電腦器材外,在電子教材的製作、電子學習平台的構建(如Khan Academy,台灣因材網)、運用AI於學生自評及評估,均無甚進展。





2015 OECD PISA研究結果指出,社經地位對香港學生成績影響並不明顯。但香港教育大學近期的一個研究卻指出,過去20年貧與富學生升讀大學比例差距拉闊,後者升讀大學比率是前者的3.7 倍,較20年前的1.2倍顯著擴大。兩個研究或許正好顯示一個更嚴重的問題,貧富差異並未有對中三年級學生(PISA 的調查對象)學習影響太大,但卻對學生入讀大學的機會造成不容忽視的差異。這是貧困學生在三年間驟然退步,抑或是制度的問題?現時各大學在取錄本地學生時,除按香港中學文憑試(DSE)成績外,尚會錄取不同學歷如GCE ‘A’ Level、IB、Sub-Degree 等學生,我們認同大學之門要為採不同學制的學生而開,但香港現時只有就讀國際學校或某些直資學校的學生,才有機會報讀其他課程。在大學收生擇優而錄的前題下,對不同學歷的收生門檻水平是否合理,決定了香港教育系統最後一個門檻是否公平開放,更影響著社會人士對本地學制的信心 。


香港教育體制需要的,是一個全面、宏觀、實證為本的檢討及規劃,我們期望政府能下定決心,在八個教育範疇專責小組提交報告後,能作出整體規劃。若只停留在各範疇分拆檢討, 我們擔心香港教育急需的改善,未知何日可以達成。