
致教育局局長楊潤雄先生的信 - 關注近日教育局處理因社會事件而出現的投訴


Letter to Mr. Kevin Yeung Yun-hung, JP (Secretary for Education) on “Handling Complaints Against Education Practitioners” 中文原文

Mr. Kevin Yeung Yun-hung, JP
Secretary for Education
11/F, East Wing,
Central Government Offices,
2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong

 26th February 2020

Dear Mr. Kevin Yeung,

Despite the turmoil due to the “Anti-Extradition Law Movement” since mid-2019 or the suspension of schools but not learning in view of the novel coronavirus since the beginning of 2020, every educator has tried our best to uphold our professionalism to keep the smooth running of schools and to protect our students’ right to learn.  We devote ourselves to education in spite of the many difficulties and misunderstanding. In public, you have also given your recognition to teachers for their hard work and efforts.

However, recently, we learnt from some of our members and the mass media that there was a considerable number of schools being complained against in different ways because of the social crisis.  The way that the EDB handles those complaints has caused much concern not only for the front-line workers but also our Association.

According to the existing Complaint Handling Mechanism, the EDB has a set of procedures and guidelines when handling complaints against teachers, principals or schools.  However, the EDB’s handling of recent cases related to the social crisis seems not to be in accordance with the same practice and without clear justification. At present, we are looking into different cases.  Once we have gathered the information, we sincerely hope to have a meeting with you on working together for the professional development of the education sector.

Should you have any question or enquiry, please feel free to contact me or Mr. Michael Wong Wai-yu, our Honorary Executive Secretary, by phone or email.


Yours sincerely,

Teddy Tang Chun-keung



致教育局局長信函 English version


香港添馬添美道 2 號
政府總部東翼 11 樓
楊潤雄先生, JP

教育局局長楊潤雄先生鈞鑒: 香港自2019 年中開始因「反修例」掀起的社會風波,至 2020 年初因「新冠肺炎」導致的停課不停學安排,各教育工作者一直持守教育專業精神,盡力維持學校的正常運作、守護學生的學習權利,當中雖遇上不少困難及誤解, 仍緊守崗位,默默努力。楊局長亦曾在公開場合,對努力不懈的老師給予正 面的肯定。



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