
Statement by HKAHSS on July 1, 2019

Statement by HKAHSS on July 1, 2019

1. The Executive Committee of The Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools (HKAHSS) is gravely concerned about the dispute and conflict arising from the “Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019”.

2. We call on all people to express their views in a peaceful and rational manner, and we strongly condemn illegal behaviours which attack and vandalize the Legislative Council Complex by force.

3. We urge the Government to take immediate and practicable action to collect views from and strengthen its communication with all walks of life. The Government should try its utmost to resume normal social order and take conscientious measures to meet social needs. We also urge the Government to set up an independent commission of inquiry to review the issue of systemic governance of Hong Kong and rebuild mutual trust in the community.

4. Our fellow workers in the education sector will remain steadfast in duty, pay close attention to the emotions of our students, and safeguard their safety and well-being.

For enquiries, please contact Mr Michael Wong Wai-Yu, our Honorary Executive Secretary.


1. 香港中學校長會執委會極度關注當下香港因《2019 年逃犯及刑事事宜相互法律協助法例 ( 修訂 ) 條例草案》而出現的社會爭拗和衝突。

2. 我們呼籲以和平丶理性方式表達訴求,強烈譴責暴力衝擊和破壞立法會大樓等違法行為。

3. 我們促請政府,立即採取切實可行的方法,廣泛聆聽民意,加強溝通,積極回應市民訴求,盡快恢復社會秩序,並成立獨立調查委員會,檢視香港的系統性管治問題,重建社會互信。

4. 教育同工會繼續謹守崗位,關注學生情緒,守護學生安全和褔祉。

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