
Consultation Document of the Task Force on Professional Development of Teachers |對「教師專業發展專責小組」初步建議諮詢文件的意見


Views by the Executive Committee of HKAHSS on 中文原文

Consultation Document of the Task Force on Professional Development of Teachers

Submitted to the Secretary of the Task Force on Home-School Co-operation and Parent Education

6th September, 2018

 [Summary Translation]


The Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools (HKAHSS) is glad to see the Government’s release of the Consultation Document of the Task Force on Professional Development of Teachers (The Consultation Document). In response to the 20 recommendations in three aspects, namely, the establishment of a professional ladder for teachers, the ranking arrangement of school management and the all-graduate teaching force policy, below are the views of the HKAHSS. 

I. Establishing a Professional Ladder of Teachers (recommendations (1 to 3)
The HKAHSS agrees to the recommendations that set out the objectives, the substance, the pathway as well as the core elements, and recognizes the directions outlined. We hope that the authorities would take the efforts to explain the framework and the contents to the education sector and the public to solicit better understanding and support for the teaching profession and the importance of teacher development.

II. Enhancing Professional Growth of Teachers (recommendations 4 to 7)

  1. Promoting professional organization
    The Task Force proposed to invite COTAP to take up the responsibilities to plan, implement and monitor the further development of the Professional Ladder for Teachers at all levels (individual, school and system).  It is our view that the responsibilities of policy making for professional development should be rested with a body formed by practising professionals. Such an organization shall shoulder the responsibilities to plan, execute and monitor the implementation of relevant policies and measures for the purpose of enhancing professionalism, raise education quality and leverage professional autonomy. It is better for the government to entrust the professional body with the appropriate authority and resources to implement the policies.
  2. Integrating the professional and career ladders for teachers
    We are glad to see the “T-excel@hk” Project launched by COTAP which provides references of standards for teacher professional growth. Nonetheless, it is our view that advocating the standards alone is not enough. The 3-stage professional requirements set out in “T-Standard” should be integrated with the “professional ladders” and the “career ladders” so that teachers attaining the professional standards at different stages may choose to enter into the professional ladder; and in such circumstances they should be allowed to carry with them their teaching ranks. This would help promote the career development of teachers.
  3. Establishing the culture and qualities of continuous professional development
    At present the majority of teachers in Hong Kong are attaining the required 150-hour professional development in 3 years. It is time now for the education authorities to help teachers make a strategic move from quantity to quality.

A learning community culture has been developing in local schools and amongst teachers in recent years, either by school-based initiatives or by collaborations among school sponsoring bodies or district exchanges platforms to develop peer-support learning systems at different levels. This plays an important part in helping Hong Kong schools grow into learning communities. It also helps build learning communities across schools or districts, and sustain ongoing education studies and teaching innovations. It is our view that the education authorities should conduct studies of the above so as to formulate specific policies and plans to advance professional collaborations and achieve a paradigm shift in teaching.

Furthermore, school-based or inter-school exchange platforms may become the training bases for new teachers. The education authorities or tertiary education institutes could lead the coordination with school sponsoring bodies or joint school groups to provide systemic first-year on-job training for new teachers. This will turn the efforts across schools or organizations in providing training for individual teachers to benefit the entire profession.

III. Raising Teachers’ Professional Status

  1. Commendation on outstanding teachers (recommendations 8 to 9)
  2. Internalizing the incentive

Recommendations (8) and (9) suggest setting up commendation schemes to recognize or honour outstanding teachers. While teachers may feel the good will of the government or schools in such one-off validation move, it is our view that the essence of recognizing teachers is to give them incentive for ongoing efforts and improvement. The government may consider other ways of commendation to sustain the effect.


To show respect and recognition for teachers, the government may consider the following to support teachers’ continued development:

  • Provision of places for conducting training and development programmes (for instance, to further pursue the idea of teachers’ centres for teacher groups to organize activities or retreats)
  • Provision of self-learning materials or channels (for instance, to encourage universities or academic institutes to open their library collections to teachers on special terms)
  • Provision of learning opportunities for widening teachers’ exposure (for instance, to upgrade study leave or subsidy schemes for teachers to engage in further studies locally or abroad)


  1. Enhancing professionalism

According to an OECD survey in 2013, raising the professionalism of teachers will enhance professional judgement and professional autonomy. Enabling teachers to have a sense of achievement and self-validation which will also gain public recognition is a strategy to commend teachers. Japan have proven successful experiences in raising teachers’ public recognition, self-confidence, and higher motivation and better capability to teach. It is our view that if teachers and the teaching leadership are given greater professional autonomy, they will become innovative teachers, not just keepers of prescribed teaching.


  1. Empowerment collaboration

The HKAHSS have been advocating the setting up of a General Teaching Council which was a key proposal specified in the Education Report No.7 (1997). It is our view that the teaching profession, like any other professions such as doctors and lawyers, should have our own professional body entrusted with self-regulatory power and responsibilities (to process registration of teachers, formulate standards for teachers’ training, and up-keep professional development, etc.). We believe teaching standards and teaching-related affairs are profession-specific. Teachers should play a key role in setting teaching standards and designing the assessment systems. Extensive participation by teachers is a way to recognize the importance of their professionalism, skills and experiences as well as their duties and responsibilities.


  1. Advancing the career prospects of teachers, and enhancing school management ranking and deployment arrangement (recommendations 10 to17)


We agree to the general direction of the 8 recommendations to support the deployment in school throughout the different development stages of teachers in their career path. However, it is our view that the authorities should review the current policies where certain practices are jeopardizing the development of schools: (1) to review and restructure the teacher ranking so that the establishment is reflecting the actual responsibilities; (2) to add the post of a third vice principal to meet the increasing demands on schools arising from social and cultural changes; (3) to review the ranking system of principals to reflect the actual responsibilities of the principals and the operation of schools (not solely defined by the number of classes). 


  1. All-graduate Teaching Force (recommendations 18 to 20)

We agree to the direction and contents set out in recommendations 18 to 20. According to a territory-wide survey conducted by HKAHSS, over 98% of our teachers have attained undergraduate or post-graduate qualifications. This implies that in the majority of schools, undergraduate teachers in the same school are being given different remuneration plans. In enforcing the All-graduate Teaching Force policy, the government should re-adjust the establishment according to the development and management needs of schools.   


English version











(一) 建立教師專業階梯  (第13項建議)


(二) 促進教師專業成長(第47項建議)

  1. 專業組織全力推動


  1. 教師專業階梯與職業階梯之結合

本會喜見COTAP推行「T-卓越@HK計劃」,提出教師專業成長的核心元素和「T-標準+」,讓學校對教師不同專業成長階段及工作崗位所需的專業能力有所參考。但在教師專業發展的制度設計中,光靠制定專業標準(例如T-標準+)和專業發展活動(例如T-培訓β;T-專能3) 的倡導是不足夠的,教師在職成長如缺乏有效激勵機制,將影響教師在職成長的意願和發展。本會認為應把T-標準+的教師三個階段所達到的專業要求,和專業階梯(professional ladder)及事業階梯(career ladder)結合,讓達致不同階段或專業能力的教師,可選擇進入不同的專業階梯發揮所長,承擔職責,其教師事業階梯的職級(rank)安排也隨之而調整,從而促進教師職業生涯發展的進階。

  1. 建立教師持續專業發展的文化與素質






(三) 提升教師專業地位

  1. 表揚優秀教師 (第89項建議)
    1. 從外在到內在自我激勵

就第8至9項建議,專責小組提出建立更具激勵作用的獎勵計劃或榮譽,彰表不同成就教師之方向。誠然一次性的賞報,如: 獎品、嘉許狀、甚或結合事業階梯晉升等,能讓教師感受到政府或學校肯定教師表現的心意,提升教師改進的動機,但各類正面的獎勵能帶動社會人士肯定教師的表現,本會認為政府當局可從激勵效應的持續性思考不同獎勵方式。表揚教師究意所為何事?其用意在於肯定教師,激勵教師努力求進。



    1. 提升教師專業性

根據經濟合作暨發展組織(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD)於2013年所發表的「教與學的國際調查」(Teaching and Learning International Survey, TALIS)研究報告所示,提升教師專業性,增進教師專業判斷和自主。讓教師體驗成功,自我認同,進而讓公眾認同,是表揚教師另一種策略。日本在職教師培訓及發展這方面的特點和借鏡之處。通過同儕學習、課堂研究等活動,教師取得多向度回饋,促使他們的公眾認同、教師自信、教學動機及教學能力均有明顯的正面影響(OECD, 2013)。這些專業發展活動對教師的教學產生了更大的影響。在這種情況下最重要的是,教師的專業性和專業自主意味著教師不只做他們想做的事,而是他們根據對專業實踐的深刻理解而作出專業判斷。新世紀成功的教育系統應盡一切努力發展教師專業性。若教師和教學領導取得更大的自主權,使他們不單僅僅延續一種規範的教學模式而是成為創造性的教師。

    1. 賦權協作,參與建構專業標準






業內一直期望教師應該跟其他專業一樣,如:醫生、律師等,擁有自我規管的權力和責任,負責教師註冊、訂定師資培訓的標準及確保持續專業發展。教學專業議會是教師的專業團體,職能也應和其他專業團體相似,而其目的是提高教師的專業水平,以達致為學生提供優質教育的最終目標。可惜的是,經歷了多年討論,教學專業議會的成立仍然遙遙無期。但按經濟合作與發展組織(OECD)教育和技能司主任安德烈亞斯‧施萊歇爾(Andreas Schleicher)所發表報告,讓教師參與製定專業標準是建立專業知識和能力的好方法。實際上,教學標準與專業相關事務應歸專業所有,教師必須在設計標準時發揮主導作用。同樣,如果評估系統要有效,教師必須參與設計教師評估方法。能廣邀教師參與,這是認可他們的專業性、技能和經驗的重要性以及他們的責任職能的重要性。因此,評估系統的設計者需要與教師的專業組織和整個系統的優秀教師合作。


(四)開拓教師事業前景、優化管理層職級及職務調配 (第1017項建議)










如對上述建議有任何問題,敬請致電2470 3363聯絡本人。



鄧振強校長   謹啟










師訓與師資諮詢委員會(2003)。《學習的專業 專業的學習》──教師專業能力理念架構及教師持續專業發展。


Schleicher A.(2018).  Elevating the teaching profession – Teacher.