
誰來擔起教改的歷史責任?6 May 2015







作為本港「最重要的教育諮詢組織」 (引自官方網頁簡介) ,究竟教育統籌委員對於新學制過去六年推行如何總結?對於香港教育未來發展有何願景?香港中學校長會認為教育統籌委員會有必要就這些極其重要及迫切的教育議題,盡快與學界展開專業對話。

熟悉香港教育發展的教育工作者,不會不知道教育統籌委員會與教育改革的歴史關係。香港千禧年教改浪潮,正正是由當年教育統籌委員會揭開序幕,而新高中學制更是當年被定性為所有變革重中之重。繼2000年出版《香港教育改革建議》,教育統籌委員會從2002至 2006年,先後發表了四份進展報告,以跟進這重要改革的發展需要。

然而讓人不解的是,2006年之後,當教育改革由籌劃至全面展開,教育統籌委員會竟再沒有任何有關新學制及教改的公開報告。教育統籌委員會在《教育改革進展報告 (四) 》最後一段所作的承諾「教統會作為重要的教育諮詢組織,將繼續跟進和協調教育改革的工作和其他教育事宜,與各持份者㩦手實踐教育改革的目標」,結果沒有下文。



香港中學校長會自2000年以來,一直關注新高中學制的發展,分別於2010 ,2011 及2013 年進行全港學校問卷調查,並舉行多次研討會及新聞發佈會。我們認為現行新學制檢討機制必需作出改革,由制定政策措施的教育局包辦自己檢討自己的方式,改為由教育統籌委員會成立一個具代表性、專業性及認受性的委員會進行獨立檢討。我們所建議的獨立檢討方向,亦與教育局及考試評核局近期進行的新學制短期及中期檢討,本質上迥然不同。現時兩局的檢討主要涉及技術層面,嘗試在部份措施推行細節上個別微調,作為短期應變措施,這方向或未可厚非。但我們相信有效的檢討,必須觸及深層問題的整體關係架構,並在政策方向上作宏觀調整。


  1. 高中課程的寬廣


  1. 應用學習的機會


  1. 公開考試的壓力


  1. 學習經歴的擴闊


  1. 學習差異的照顧


  1. 大學收生的機制


教育改革從來是複雜、曲折而漫長的過程,有其歷時性及延續性,需要不時檢視、調整、修訂及規劃。 統籌教育者既要了解過去的歴史演變,亦要把握現在的真實情況,更要展望未來的發展方向。




Newspaper article on our expectation of the role of the Education Commission Written by Miss Lee Suet Ying, Chairperson of HKAHSS 6/5/2015


The Education Commission (EC) is ‘the most important education consultative body in Hong Kong’ (exact wordings in government’s official website), and the new academic structure and curriculum are the most large-scale education reform in the history of Hong Kong. Since the EC unveiled the reform in 2000, it has published four progress reports from 2002 to 2006. Thereafter, no more public report on the reform has been published.

Now that the reform has reached its 15th year, we would like to know how the EC evaluate the progress, whether it has met its original goals, and what positive and negative effects the new academic structure has on education in Hong Kong. As the new academic structure has been introduced for six years, the EC should talk to the education profession to review the implementation and share with them its vision on the future development of education in Hong Kong. The EC has a responsibility to carry out a complete, objective and independent study through open consultation.

Reform the review mechanism

Since the Education Bureau (EDB) is the body that has formulated and implemented the reform, it is inappropriate for it to review itself. An independent and representative committee should be set up by the EC to carry out the review. The scope and essence of the review should also be different from those carried out by the EDB and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority. It must address the following issues:

  1. Curriculum diversification

The aim of the New Senior Secondary (NSS) curriculum is to provide students with diversified learning experience. This means that students can pick both science and arts subjects as they like. Limited by the existing resources, we wonder to what extent this goal has been realized. If we are still far behind, have we tried to find out the reasons for the problem and the solution to it?  

  1. Applied-learning opportunity

The purpose of applied-learning is to provide diversified learning experience for students with different learning ability and interests through non-academic and practical subjects. We are concerned about how many students have benefitted from this and whether the applied-learning curriculum is recognized by higher education institutions and prospective employers.

  1. Public examination pressure

An objective of the education reform is to reduce the pressure of public examination so as to give more time and space for students and teachers to engage in other learning activities and to encourage independent and creative thinking among students. As the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education has been introduced for four years, it is time to find out the real experience of our teachers and students in this respect.

  1. Widening of learning experience

The NSS structure encourages students to widen their learning experience so that they may explore and develop their interests and potential to achieve whole-person development. However, constrained by the curriculum, class time, examinations and university admission policies, we doubt if students have the time and inducement to take part in and enjoy a wide variety of experiential learning.

  1. Learner diversity

Another purpose of the reform is to remove systemic learning obstacles to enable every student to take initiative to develop his/her talents. In view of the breadth and depth of most subjects in the curriculum, we wonder if students with weaker learning ability or special needs have been looked after fairly and appropriately.

  1. University admission mechanism

The reform urges schools to put less emphasis on students’ results in public examinations, but to consider their overall performance more. However, due to limited vacancies, universities vie to admit students with the best academic results. We doubt if students’ personal quality, capabilities and non-academic achievements have been given due consideration.

The need for overall coordination

What we need the most now is an overall coordinator with the vision and capability to forge a comprehensive review of the reform and to formulate a long-term plan for the future. The EC, as the proponent of the reform and ‘the most important education consultative body’, is the most suitable entity to take up this role.