
Integrated Education 


Integrated Education  中文原文


  1. Background

Integrated education (‘IE’) has been implemented in Hong Kong for over ten years with more and more students with special needs (‘SEN’) being sent to mainstream secondary schools. A study was carried out by HKAHSS to examine the status of the implementation in schools, especially the difficulties encountered and the solutions adopted. The report also included recommendations for improvement. 


  1. Issues studied
  2. Status of IE implementation in schools
  3. How needs of SEN are met in school (mainly by principals and IE teachers)
  • Effect of different modes of subvention on IE implementation
  1. Provision of services to SEN by schools admitting students of different bandings.


  1. Methodology

The study was mainly based on interviews of principals and IE teachers of 13 participating schools.


  1. Results of study
  2. Status of implementation


  1. Training was provided mainly for teachers but not for non-teaching staff.
  2. Inadequate manpower affected the continuous development of IE support rendered by schools.

Curriculum and evaluation

  1. Support in school is mainly for junior forms SEN which  included curriculum accommodation, differentiated homework arrangement and after-school support. All interviewees found it difficult to adjust higher forms curriculum for SEN under the DSE framework because the New Senior Secondary curriculum and evaluation do not take into consideration the needs of SEN.
  2. Extended school hours and other methods to help SEN students prepare for DSE examinations did not alleviate the obstacles facing them. The lack of practical subjects specially provided for them narrowed their future paths.

Mutual understanding and relationship

  1. Principals and IE teachers shared similar understanding of the vision and concept of IE; but there was a bigger gap between their views and those of other frontline teachers not serving SENs directly.
  2. The interviewees felt that the school was caught between the expectations of parents of SEN and parents of mainstream students in terms of deployment of resources and support services.


  1. All schools endeavoured to support SEN through better use of government subsidies and diversified support services.
  2. Shortage of education psychologists coupled with a lot of their time being taken to evaluate SEN students afforded little resources to train other teachers and help handle individual cases. To better support SEN and their families, a cross-profession approach is needed.
  3. How needs of SEN are met in school (mainly by principals and IE teachers)

The principals and IE teachers interviewed shared similar understanding of the visions of IE, special considerations for SEN, support from the government and relevant institutions, ways to support SEN students and the problems relating to curriculum and evaluation.

  • Effect of different modes of subvention on IE implementation

In terms of training, curriculum and evaluation, mutual understanding and relationship and support, no marked difference in the support given to SEN was noted among schools of different modes of subvention.

  1. Provision of services to SEN by schools admitting students of different bandings

No obvious difference was noted. The support they provided for SEN and the approach they took were more or less the same.


  1. Recommendations
  1. The government should address the shortage of education psychologists and ensure an adequate and stable supply of supporting IE personnel by making plans and long-term commitment to improve their conditions of employment and their training and development.
  2. The government should target its training to suit the roles and duties of different IE supporting personnel and tailor-make its contents according to the needs of different schools.
  3. The government should set up a task group to define the long-term direction for the learning and career paths for SEN and oversee its implementation. More practical subjects for senior forms and a qualifications framework for SEN should be considered.
  4. The government should establish a funding scheme to provide stable financial assistance to schools. Particularly, it should increase its funding to schools with either an extremely big or small number of SENs to facilitate long-term planning in those schools.
  5. The Education Bureau should assume a leadership role in promoting cross-discipline cooperation among assessment bodies and government departments to enhance the further development to IE.
  6. The Education Bureau should work with the Social Welfare Department to coordinate and consolidate community resources so as to provide practical and comprehensive support to SEN.

At present, the government should not legislate any issues related to the implementation of IE. Instead, it should increase and better coordinate resources and support for SEN. The Education Bureau should also raise the awareness and understanding of IE and promote the acceptance of SEN by the community.


香港中學融合教育探究簡報 English-version

一. 背景

融合教育在港已推行超過十年,愈來愈多有特殊教育需要的學生(以下簡稱SEN學生)被分派到主流中學學習。為了照顧SEN 學生的成長,學校作出一系列對應措施,其中包括安排校內人員接受培訓、在科目的課業及評估上進行調適及提供個別輔導服務等等。本探究就是探討現時中學推行融合教育的情況,特別是遇到的困難及解決方法,並提出改善建議。

二. 探究問題

  1. 瞭解當前中學在推行融合教育的情況
  2. 探討校長及融合教育負責教師對照顧有特殊教育需要學生的異同
  3. 探討現行不同資助模式對推行融合教育的影響
  4. 探討收取不同學生能力組別的學校對照顧有特殊教育需要學生的異同

三. 探究方法

本探究乃是以訪談為主,有13 所中學參與訪談,分為校長組與融合教育負責教師組,從而瞭解受訪者在學校實踐行動和看法背後的原因。

四. 探究結果

  1. 瞭解當前中學在推行融合教育的情況

    1. 受訪者認為現時的培訓多以老師為對象,未能針對其他職位的人士進行培訓。
    2. 另外支援人員人手不足,他們的職位不單以合約制為主,職位聘任的年期亦欠缺穩定,影響學校為照顧SEN 學生所提供的良好持續發展。


    1. 學校對SEN 學生的支援多在初中,其中包括課堂支援、課程剪裁或調適、分層課業、課後支援等;惟所有受訪者均認為在文憑試的框架內,高中階段較難進行課程和課業的調適,因新高中課程及評估設計並沒有考慮SEN 學生的特別需要。
    2. 受訪者認為現時以加時或其他方法來支援SEN 學生參加香港中學文憑試,並不能針對地補足他們的障礙,為SEN學生而設立的實用性科目也不足,SEN 學生的多元出路十分有限。


    1. 受訪者的回應所得,校長與融合教育教師之間對於照顧有特殊教育需要學生在融合教育願景和觀念上有較一致的共識和看法,惟他們與前線教師之間的想法和觀念,則有較大差異。
    2. 受訪者認為SEN學生家長對學校照顧SEN 學生有較高期望,認為學校在支援上表現不足;另一方面,學校也面對主流學生家長認為學校偏向把資源較多分配給SEN 學生,學校要與兩批家長建立共識和關係,委實處於兩難之間。


    1. 所有中學都努力支援SEN 學生,它們均盡量善用政府津貼,並尋找多元化的支援服務;
    2. 受訪者認為現時教育心理學家人手不足,且用了很多時間在評估SEN 學生上,繼而可投放時間在教職員培訓、支援及照顧個案上就顯得不足; 故此認為需要以跨專業的方式來支援SEN 學生及其家庭。
  2. 探討校長及融合教育負責教師對照顧有特殊教育需要學生的異同
    受訪校長與融合教育負責老師對照顧有特殊教育需要學生的理解大抵一致。包括: 融合教育的願景、對照顧SEN學生所考慮的因素、對政府和相關機構給予的支援、對照顧SEN學生的方法及對SEN學生在課程和評核所面對的困難等。 
  3. 探討現行不同資助模式對推行融合教育的影響

  4. 探討收取不同學生能力組別的學校對照顧有特殊教育需要學生的異同
    收取不同學生能力組別的受訪學校對照顧有特殊教育需要學生沒有明顯分別,它們以相近的方法來支援SEN 學生。包括:聘請助教、全職輔導員、社工、言語治療師及職業治療師、提供家長輔導服務、購買學習資源和設備、開展課後輔導服務及舉辦全校性融合教育推廣活動等。

五. 香港中學校長會為發展良好的融合教育提出以下七點建議:

  1. 人手資源: 現時教育心理學家供不應求,其他支援人手也不足及不穩定,政府應為各支援職位的入職條件、培訓與發展等作出規劃及長遠承擔,培養更多支援人員。
  2. 培訓安排: 政府應加強針對性的培訓,如校長培訓可多在學校領導、策劃、理念、行政方面; 老師的培訓多在實用性及教學為主;其他受訓人員可按其支援內容而進行培訓;另可考慮校本培訓,為學校「度身訂造」對應的專業發展活動。
  3. 多元出路:政府應設專責小組,為融合教育下SEN學生的學習與出路定出長遠方向及落實有關安排;於高中課程提供更多實用性科目及多元出路予SEN學生,並考慮對應的資歷架構認證。
  4. 學習津貼:政府應訂立一個較穩定的撥款機制代替每年不穩定的撥款,增加對收取極多或較少SEN 學生學校的津貼,讓學校可作較長遠的規劃,例如三年週期的撥款機制。
  5. 跨專業合作:照顧SEN 學生並非單由老師負責便可成功,必須聯合各專業進行合作才有機會取得效果。故教育局應擔當領航角色,推動考評機構及政府部門的跨專業合作,了解學生需要,提供適切照顧和服務,以便有效推動融合教育的發展。
  6. 資源整合:除了學校可為SEN 學生作出支援外,社區內亦有不少資源可以運用和整合。教育局及社會福利署應當一同協調及整合有關資源,加強為SEN 學生提供實質整全的支持。
  7. 立法事宜:政府現階段不宜就融合教育立法,應先加強及協調現有對SEN 學生的資源和支援配套,令SEN 學生能獲得及時和適切的支援服務和學習機會,同時,教育局要提高社會對融合教育的認知和對SEN 學生的接納和了解,這些行動和安排比立法更為需要。